Can I become an opera singer later in life?
Becoming a singer at a later age For anyone considering a career in classical singing at any point in their lives, one question applies: ARE YOU CERTAIN YOU WANNA DO THIS? I do believe everyone should sing and everyone should learn to sing to some extent. Many medical...
Why should we transpose operatic music?
Prologue: the transpose post that stirred too much trouble A few years ago I accidentally caused a storm on a social media group: a young tenor who got hired to sing a well-known role in an even better-known opera in a small private company in Europe was having issues...
Lyric or dramatic? How to determine your voice type
What’s your voice type? Lyric or dramatic? Let me start with a rant: it has become a common practice, in colleges and conservatories around the world, for teachers to become extremely fearful of “pushing” the young singer. While it’s quite...
How to sing high notes?
Within the 1st week of getting to know James McCray back in the late 90s, I became his translator during many lessons he was giving at the opera house in Serbia to singers who weren’t sufficiently proficient in English, Italian or German. I was a 16 years old singing...